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Chapter News

  • STTI's Region 13 Conference - Results

    Good morning, everyone. Our Region 13 conference that took place on April 26 and 27 at Queens University of Charlotte was definitely worth the time, effort, and money.

    I made some new connections and renewed some old ones (from a previous employer). Dr. Garmon-Bibb, the current president of STTI, was our keynote speaker on 4/26. I enjoyed meeting her and interacting a little during the conference.

    We had the opportunity to interact with a variety of speakers who talked about things like their recent research activities along with hot topics like leadership and wellness among health care professionals.

    I did walk out with a few handouts. They include things like a pharmacology related case study, a cultural competence related case study, and an abstract of a research study on a program created to address a severe shortage of clinical faculty in the behavioral health field. I parked them in our STTI library for anyone to use.

    Mu Psi, Queen's chapter of STTI, did a great job on the planning and execution of the conference. I think it's something that Psi Delta should consider doing sometime in the next few years.

    Food for thought....

  • Thank you for your continuing support/membership!

    A big thank you to the following members who have recently renewed. Your continuing support adds value (beyond dollars) to the Psi Delta community.

    Elizabeth Belcher

    Rachel Daniel

    Jodi Duncan

    Rowena Heck

    Rachel Joseph

    Tonia Kennedy

    Amy Lancaster

    Christy Maes

    Emily Roberts

Chapter Events